Naha anjeun bosen tina kameunangan sareng konsistensi dibawa ku Welding Bahanan? Ngalaman masa depan las las sareng pulping kacang team-bacti The Heltec HSW01 pneumatic pulse welder says goodbye to cumbersome manual operations and seamlessly transitions from manual to pneumatic operation. The high-efficiency, high-reliability, and high-compatibility pneumatic flat welder adopts a unique buffer design, which can independently adjust the welding needle pressure, clamping speed, and reset speed. Dipaké sareng pendintér pendinton, éta ngahasilkeun parangan sareng efisiensi pikeun nyambut damel. The front pressure gauge and pressure adjustment knob provide real-time monitoring and easy adjustment to ensure consistent and precise welding results.
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Tapak Kolom Jumlah Knewatik Headdatic Wilding Wilding Mesin Tinding Mesines Wel
Heltec most advanced all-in-one column pneumatic pulse welder-HBW01 enhances your welding operation and gives you increased spot welding efficiency in a variety of applications. Hati mesinna mangrupikeun sirah lajing anu sadayana asli sareng The Lautan Pnewicatatic, anu cocog sareng modél mesin atanapi sumber anu kalina. Aratis kapalat réformasi mulek kana setélan anu aya, hasilna sacara kana paningkatan sacara geura. Kepala lega pigtingatis Éta bakal mawa genah sareng efisien pikeun karya las anjeun.
Kanggo inpo nu leuwih lengkep,Kirimkeun kami panalungtikan sareng kéngingkeun cutatan gratis anjeun ayeuna!
1500w Genry Laser Waser Sasking 2000w 300w Laser Laser
HT-HT-HT-LOG HT02G Genry Laser Laser Mesin Haser pikeun batré Lithium otomatis ngaropéa. Éta tiasa kalenturan modul batré Littium Lovery tina sababaraha jinis sareng ukuran dina konsol operasi. Precise and reliable welding reduces the contact resistance of lithium batteries during assembly and improves the output and performance of lithium battery modules. Automated operation improves production efficiency, and the specially designed operating system makes operation easier and reduces the skill requirements of operators. The output power is 1500W/2000W/3000W which can weld vehicles battery easily and marking the shell name plate of lithium battery modules.construction ensures long-term reliability and performance. Kanggo inpo nu leuwih lengkep,Kirimkeun kami panalungtikan sareng kéngingkeun cutatan gratis anjeun ayeuna!
Mesin Lest Help Help SW01 Tindak mangrupikeun mesin pemanasan latihan. Aranjeunna mangrupikeun Welders Welders Power sareng Gors Gors Poak Pound 21kw. Anjeun tiasa milih puncak Pakebe ti 2000A, 2500A dugi ka 3500A. Langkung langkung gampang pikeun anjeun nganggo modeu las anu leres kalayan konci fungsi dual dina aranjeunna. Anjeun tiasa ngukur sambungan dina résistansi misah ku alat prihosensi réstoran ORMA. Aranjeunna tiasa ngirangan inténsina para tunél sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi sareng induker calgery fiting otomatis. It's easy for you to view the parameters with LED color screen on them.
Laser Laser Handheld Cantheld Cantelever 1500w 2000w 3000W Laser Laser
Heltec Energy's HT-LS02H Cantilever laser Welding Machine for Lithium Battery adopts three-axis linkage cantilever structure.It can spot weld aluminum,nickel,copper and other materials on lithium battery electrodes Precise and reliable welding reduces the contact resistance of lithium batteries during assembly and improves the output and performance of lithium battery packs.The output power is 1500W / 2000W / 3000W, anu tiasa gampang dilasotkeun batré kelas otomatis.
The handheld design of the HT-LS02H cantilever laser welding machine adds to its appeal, allowing for greater flexibility and ease of use. The machine's precision welding capabilities ensure electrodes are welded with the highest precision, resulting in consistently high-quality battery packs. HT-LS02H cantilever laser welding machine is designed with user convenience in mind. Its intuitive interface and user-friendly controls make it easy to operate, while its durable construction ensures long-term reliability and performance. Kanggo inpo nu leuwih lengkep,Kirimkeun kami panalungtikan sareng kéngingkeun cutatan gratis anjeun ayeuna!
Heltec new spot welding models are more powerful with max peak pulse power of 42KW. You can select the peak current from 6000A to 7000A. Kusus dirancang pikeun ténik wel 2 atome sareng lambaran kononasi NICel, simbun nyayogikeun tambaga anu soleh sareng wisal-alumit anu ditepukeun sareng domba sacara gampang sareng rask and héjo. HT-SW02H is also capable of resistance measurement. It can measure the resistance between the connecting piece and the electrode of the battery after spot welding.
Ieu lititumratish budik khusus GaluPage-Hoter-Lassvanometer-jinis, ngadukung tas 0.3mm-2.5mm tambaga / aluminium. Aplikasi utama: Tunjukkeun Warga / Wattt Willd / Overlap Wasding / Solding. It can weld LiFePO4 battery studs, cylindrical battery and weld aluminum sheet toLiFePO4 battery, copper sheet to copper electrode, etc.
HT-SW33A Series have max peak pulse power of 42KW, with peak output current 7000A. Specially designed for welding between iron nickel materials and stainless steel materials, suitable for but not limited to the welding of ternary batteries with iron nickel and pure nickel materials. Sepi Was Wasding Wajib dirancang sareng téknologi panyangga. It is convenient to adjust the pressure of the two welding needles and the speed of resetting and pressing downward the pneumatic welding heads separately. Kerangka gaay dilakukeun tina 304 stainless stainless. LT susah, stabil, sareng awét. Hérdeng tiasa dipindahkeun kenca atanapi leres, sareng jangkungna tiasa disaluyukeun pikeun nyitak jinis batré anu béda-béda bungkus litium.
Helyec HT-sw02hMesin las
HIF SW02A Sw02A ngayakeun mesin was 36kw daya tinggi majis
Titik tingkat-tingkat ngaguktikeun téknologi pulium énergi-énergi anu dikontrol ku chip mikrosrocomasi pikeun ngasel menu pédah, mastikeun katepatanan sareng efisiensi di unggal welds. The intelligent program combined with the multi-functional parameter display makes welding management clear at a glance and has a high level of proficiency.
The spot welder output power of this welding machine is as high as 36KW, which can meet the welding needs of power batteries. Panel kontrol tampilan anu cerdas parental Saluyukeun tingkat kaluaranna numutkeun kana ketebalan bagian bagian anu béda, nyieun pertanyian wasp.
Heltecdilengkepan téknologi cadangan anu ngaleungitkeun gangguan sareng kakuatan ac sareng nyegah saklar tripping, mastikeun prosés was anu pikaresepeun sareng efisien.
Mesin ieu ngoko polimumangan taneuh pisan pulponses kentit, kalayan mentikan kadaluk leutik sareng panawaran kolam renang anu jero, nyegah bintik-bintik anu berkeptrékeun sareng tahan. In addition, the dual-mode spot welding trigger enables precise, fast and efficient welding, making it easy to weld different parts. -
, a revolutionary advancement in spot welding technology. Mesin gambar hampang ieu dirancang pikeun ngatasi panaliti mesin lahir tradisional Tradisional, ngalamar pangalaman anu lancar sareng efisien kanggo rupa-rupa aplikasi.
The HT-SW01D battery welders sets itself apart with its innovative design, which eliminates interference with the circuit and eliminates tripping problems commonly associated with traditional spot welding machines. Ieu mastikeun prosés has hérp gighus sareng henteu leuleus, anu henteu terang, anu henteu tetep pikeun diful pikeun ngahontal hasil anu leres sareng dipercaya.