Batré Batrder anu cocog sareng sirah luang ningkatkeun efisiensi had hssw01 greate delak
Naha anjeun bosen tina kameunangan sareng konsistensi dibawa ku Welding Bahanan? Ngalaman masa depan las las sareng pulping kacang team-bacti The Heltec HSW01 pneumatic pulse welder says goodbye to cumbersome manual operations and seamlessly transitions from manual to pneumatic operation. The high-efficiency, high-reliability, and high-compatibility pneumatic flat welder adopts a unique buffer design, which can independently adjust the welding needle pressure, clamping speed, and reset speed. Dipaké sareng pendintér pendinton, éta ngahasilkeun parangan sareng efisiensi pikeun nyambut damel. The front pressure gauge and pressure adjustment knob provide real-time monitoring and easy adjustment to ensure consistent and precise welding results.
Kanggo inpo nu leuwih lengkep, Kirimkeun kami panalungtikan sareng kéngingkeun cutatan gratis anjeun ayeuna!
HT-SW33A Series have max peak pulse power of 42KW, with peak output current 7000A. Specially designed for welding between iron nickel materials and stainless steel materials, suitable for but not limited to the welding of ternary batteries with iron nickel and pure nickel materials. The pneumatic spot welding head is designed with buffering technology. It is convenient to adjust the pressure of the two welding needles and the speed of resetting and pressing downward the pneumatic welding heads separately. Kerangka gaay dilakukeun tina 304 stainless stainless. LT susah, stabil, sareng awét. Hérdeng tiasa dipindahkeun kenca atanapi leres, sareng jangkungna tiasa disaluyukeun pikeun nyitak jinis batré anu béda-béda bungkus litium.
Tempat katu ieu welwork dilengkepan alignment laser sareng posisi ogé henteu masihan alat pencahyaan perayaan, anu tiasa langsung salami terbadian sareng efisiensi produksi. The pressing and reset speed of the pneumatic spot welding head are independently adjustable, and the adjustment is convenient. Ukrot tina heang limpa lapangan pnumatatis pnateus angkat kontak emas, sareng sareng layar témbong digital jaga voltase gighning sareng ayeuna, anu diasah.
Éta ogé disogok sareng sistem pendinginan cerita pikeun adaptasi sareng operasi lel jangka panjang anu teu diganggu.