Rochies turun LIIRIMS nyetél standar anyar kanggo kamampuan, réliabilitas sareng kaamanan dina industri drone. With its advanced technology and durable construction, it is the ideal power solution for drone operators looking to increase capabilities and achieve unparalleled flight performance. Heltec Energy's drone lithium battery is equipped with an intelligent management system, including overcharge, over-discharge, and short-circuit protection to ensure safe and reliable operation.
Our lithium batteries have high energy capacity and low self-discharge rates to extend flight time and reduce downtime, maximizing the efficiency and productivity of drone missions. Ngalaman bédana sareng batré Litamin kami sareng nyandak operasi aerial anjeun ka jangkungna anyar. Kanggo inpo nu leuwih lengkep,Kirim kami panalungtikan sareng kéngingkeun cutatan gratis anjeun ayeuna!
Balance Balance Finepo4 4s Calance Cocorite sareng Tampilan LCD
Nalika jumlah siklik batré nambahan, Laju burit Sasatal sarua teu dipercaya, ngakibatkeun ka imbalances serius dina vakebormat batre. Pangaruhna "Batré" bakal mangaruhan jasa kahirupan batré anjeun. Éta sababna anjeun peryogi balancasi aktif pikeun bungkus batré anjeun.
Béda ti tukang lomba induktif, balancator kapasitor tiasa ngahontal kasaimbangan kelompok. Éta henteu peryogi bédana voltase antara batré anu padeukeut pikeun ngamimitian saimbang. Saatos alat dirétih, unggal mayveran batre bakal ngirangan buruk kapasitas disababkeun ku pangaruh tong samparakan sareng pondok sareng durasi masalahna.
Kanggo inpo nu leuwih lengkep, Kirim kami panalungtikan sareng kéngingkeun cutatan gratis anjeun ayeuna!
Batrin Batré Batré Lietium
Pangropéa batréEQuquey Desain kompak sareng awét ngajadikeun éta gampang dipilahkeun sareng ngajaga, nyayogikeun solusi bébas hassle-pikeun ngaoptimalkeun kamampuan akrak. Whether you are using lithium batteries for residential, commercial, or industrial applications, this equalizer is a game-changer in ensuring reliable and consistent energy storage.
Sakali poék, anggerrop LATIYum dilantosan sareng exklect eximakan sareng Fitur Kontrol, ngamungkinkeun pikeun panyebaran nyata sareng diagnosisi. This ensures that your battery system operates at peak efficiency, even under varying load conditions. With its high precision and reliability, you can have peace of mind knowing that your energy storage is in safe hands.
This tester is applied to the safety test of lithium battery protection boards to detect whether the functional parameters of the BMS boards are within the reasonable parameter range, and provide a set of testing standards for the staff, which is conducive to improving the production efficiency, facilitating quality control, and compatible with the common types of protection boards on the market, including positive BMS same port (split port), negative BMS same port (split port), positive charging sareng ngaleupaskeun négatip, jsb.
Batré Botel HTF HT022H 42kw kapasitor 1860 Koléksi Béntang
Heltec new spot welding models are more powerful with max peak pulse power of 42KW. You can select the peak current from 6000A to 7000A. Kusus dirancang pikeun ténik wel 2 atome sareng lambaran kononasi NICel, simbun nyayogikeun tambaga anu soleh sareng wisal-alumit anu ditepukeun sareng domba sacara gampang sareng rask and héjo. HT-SW02H is also capable of resistance measurement. It can measure the resistance between the connecting piece and the electrode of the battery after spot welding.
Catetan: Mesin ieu tiasa dikirim ti gudang poland kami, hubungi kami sateuacan pesenan anjeun supados urang tiasa pariksa upami éta di stok. Anjeun tiasa ngirim panalungtikan heula upami anjeun hoyong nampi deal pangsaéna.
Éta ngadukung lasti rupa-rupa bahan kalayan priisi anu tiasa dianggo - dua bahan kandel sareng ipis! Kitu tiasa seueur industri, pilihan pangsaéna pikeun toko kendaraan énergi anyar. Kalayan bed warna terperit khusus anu dirancang pikeun batré LICHIY, langkung gampang operasi, sareng éta bakal ngahasilkeun pangaruh weld anu langkung saé.
HT-SW022T Was Was Mesin Mesin Sw0000 Cerperical Cerpere Welder Welder
Helyec HT-sw02hMesin lasKalayan Inverdes pangluhur-frékuénsi Sereg (mesin leutking ieu ngaleungitkeun sacara lengkep pikeun kakuatan AC sareng nyegah hiji prosés laséhat sareng henteu diasupan sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu diasingkeun sareng henteu currewing sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currewing sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng henteu currase sareng teu dipikanyaho lemes sareng henteu diasupan kual. Koléksi porak énergi dipénéhkeun sareng téknologi bompmbar met draga Leutik maksimalkeun kaluaran énergi bérés, ngajelaskeun kanggo rupa-rupa aplikasi Was.
- HT-SW02a ngadoko frindu frekuensi hal--Énergi Super Gener Manékuan Pekenan Gruplow, nyegah santai tripping, sareng mastikeun prosés buséna sareng teu diurunkeun sareng henteu curah. Patented energy storage control and low-loss metal bus bar technology maximizes burst energy output, delivering superior welding performance.
The spot welder output power of this welding machine is as high as 36KW, which can meet the welding needs of power batteries. Panel kontrol tampilan anu cerdas parental Saluyukeun tingkat kaluaranna numutkeun kana ketebalan bagian bagian anu béda, nyieun pertanyian wasp.
This machine adopts high-energy polymerization pulse welding capability, with concentrated and small welding spots and deep molten pool penetration, preventing the welding spots from turning black and ensuring high-quality and durable welds. Salaku tambahan, titik kadal-titik anu di-transding pemiglikasi pemigluents ngamungkinkeun, lepas sareng ternakan, supados gampang tiasa digentos bagian anu béda.